Story Planning: Week 13, Mr. Fox

I think I would write my story during the breakfast the morning of the wedding contract.  This is the day after Lady Mary has witnessed Mr. Fox and his murderous secrets.  I would like to do Mr. Fox's point-of-view because as a nervous person I think it would be easier to write the sweaty-palmed anxious Mr. Fox than the cool demeanor Lady Mary as she recounts her "dream" and reveals she knows his secret.

The story really plays on rhyme/rhythm in the dialogue, which would be interesting to use on my own.  The characters, when replying to each other, really play off what the other is saying; it has an essence of parallelism that really resonates when they're speaking.  This was really apart of the literature at that time, so I guess if I wanted to give it a more modern twist I could make it less apparent in its "parallel" voice.

An interesting thing about the story is that we don't know why Mr. Fox has all those bodies.  Serial killing wasn't really an announced thing back in the time it was written so I think pulling in another piece of lore would really wrap up that loose end.  Mr. Fox could have been a vampire looking for his vampire bride to spend eternity with.  In my opinion, that is far more interesting than the ending in the original - it just adds a hint of surprise spice to the story that already had a wicked twist.

Image from Wikipedia

Source: English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1890).


  1. Hi Lauren! Research is part of the planning post, and a great way to do research into this English fairy tale is to look at some stories from other countries to see if there are details or motifs you might borrow; you can find stories of this folktale type here:
    And very closely related:

  2. Hey Lauren! It is great to read one of your story proposals! I actually never had the change to write a proposal, I always just opted to write the story from the beginning. This is such an important step in the creative process though. Did you ever have the chance to write the full story? It would be interesting to see how it has transformed.


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