Week 10 Story: Sussistinnako the Solipsist
Sussistinnako the Solipsist alone, spinning ceaselessly lines of the stars web of the universe, weaving tiredlessly, alone entrenched by nothingness, I am swallowed by the vastness spread as far as I can fling the string of my hope - it never catches, falling back into my hands I tie knots in my string, the filament of my desire to end the solitary confiment I was born into the design I thread is the only needle sewing closed the gap between emptiness and fullness finally, two parcels I graced and sang, sang, sang, of love and sadness and great joys until children born of my own gossamer come forth wrapped in the guaze of ivory twins, silken daughters I brought forth to end my loneliness did I end my loneliness or have I only prolonged happiness did I create my happiness or have I only weaved my loneliness i construct, i destroy, i am all fruit of my loom, the blanket woven of my hand, it is me alone, spinning ceaselessly lines of the ...