Reading Notes: The Monkey King, Part A

Handsome King of the Apes Bibliography: "The Ape Sun Wu Kung" in The Chinese Fairy Book , ed. by R. Wilhelm and translated by Frederick H. Martens (1921). Handsome King of the Apes immediately reminded me of Disney's Tangled with its introduction of "FAR, far away to the East... and on this mountain, there is a high rock." The introductions are really similar, which I thought was pretty cool. This "high rock" is also pretty magical, like the golden flower, as it absorbs all the powers of heaven, earth, the sun, and the moon. With all this power hidden inside it, the rock has gained some pretty awesome supernatural gifts. It hatches a stone egg, which hatches a stone ape. The ape, once freed of its stone, is pretty wicked. "Two streams of golden radiance" come beaming out of his eyes. It initially scares the Lord of the Heavens, but the two gods - Thousandmile-Eye and Fine-Ear - reassure him that it is only the stone ape who...